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Acorns children's treat

Acorns make a children's treat
Have you recently looked for beechnuts, acorns and beautiful leaves in the forest? Is your birthday in the autumn or do you feel like doing crafts during the autumn holidays? You can easily make these acorn children's treats with a pack of mini chocolate kisses or a pack of very large kisses and syrup waffles.

Making something delicious with the children during the autumn holidays

What a fun activity to make these acorn cookies together in the fall or fall holidays. Let's work together to make these acorns children's treats.

Look at your mother very sweetly and ask her to start working together in the kitchen. We bet she secretly really likes it and might even say yes?!

Would you like to save the recipe for later on Pinterest? This can easily be done via this link.

Acorns make a children's treat

Acorns children's treat


  1. Chocolate kisses large or small (these small ones can be purchased at Lidl)

  2. Small syrup waffles

  3. Cocktail sticks or other small bamboo sticks (seem a bit safer with small children)

  4. Round cutter

  5. Cupcake tins

Acorns children's treat

Acorns children's treat; this is how you make them

  1. My little stroopwafels were very small. But you also have slightly larger models. If you don't have a cutter, it is useful to first look at the size of the stroopwafel cookie and then look at the chocolate kiss. Which fits best?

  2. Cut a circle out of the stroopwafel if necessary. Is your stroopwafel too hard? Then put it in the microwave for a very short time, I'm thinking 3 seconds. This makes the cookie just a little softer. If necessary, you can briefly put the cookie in the microwave again. But not much longer, the sugar in the waffle becomes very hot!

  3. Poke a hole in the center of the cookie. The cocktail sticks can be quite mean, maybe it would be useful if you stay nearby and lend a helping hand? Pricking is a little easier with a bamboo skewer. You could also use this.

  4. Insert the toothpick into the chocolate kiss. It is easier to serve in a cupcake tin.

Acorns make a children's treat

Source: There are several sources on the internet, including treating your class.



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