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Everyday baking day from Jayne Jubb

Every day is baking day, cover of the book
There are some books that stick with you. For me, they are always books that have something personal. A baking book with only beautiful photos and delicious recipes can be ideal if you are looking for a recipe, but they feel different when you browse through them and how they fill the space on your bookshelf. In fact, you might as well get a recipe from the internet. In 2020, I got my hands on the book BAK! by Jayne Jubb and it was love at first sight. Jayne runs a local bakery with her husband Sjoerd and bakes passionately and warmly for her neighbors.

Every Friday the living room is filled with special breads and pastries. It can't be fresher than fresh and you pay with a tikkie afterwards. But it's not just the concept that appeals to me, it's also Jayne's special positive and funny writing style and those typical recipes that always go down well with everyone. I'll take you to Everyday baking day by Jayne Jubb in quotes, photos and a link to a preview.

Jayne is the baker. Also a writer, scientist and therapist. Sjoerd is the cook, PR guy, FaceBook guy, kneading machine, shopper, dough roller, sometimes dishwasher and heavy lifting guy.

Handy overview of the baking seasons

The recipes are bundled in months where they combine very well. You don't need an excuse from me to shuffle all the recipes and bake all year round. There are many sweet pastries, but you will also find many special types of bread; both with and without gluten.

Don't dare to bake bread? With Jayne's 10 second kneading method you will succeed.

baking excuse

[baking excuse] noun

a (far-fetched) excuse to bake something tasty

Cakes that surpass the local bakery, make them yourself

Big, cozy, generous, apple cake: Jayne: "What do you serve when you want to make someone feel welcome? Apple pie of course!" I definitely agree and it's always time for apple pie. The cake gets an extra depth in flavor because in addition to all-purpose flour it also contains almond flour, buckwheat flour and cornmeal.

Each recipe has a beautiful photo, often a short and clear recipe and starts with a personal and often very nice note from the writer. A pleasure to read and this makes the choice more difficult; I want to make everything!

Jayne Jubb with her treats

Photo left: Jayne Jubb is married to Sjoerd Servaas. In one go I read the story of how Jayne, a true English and research chemist, ended up in the Netherlands via Ottawa, how her love for Sjoerd blossomed, how she was stuck in Ireland for a week and laid the foundation for the neighborhood bakery here. A low-tech bakery without professional mixing machines but with a handy baby bath from Blokker and with ovens that you and I also have at home.

Photo Right: Good for the soul brownies . Brownies for everyone because they contain no gluten, refined sugar or lactose but with lots of dark chocolate and dates.

Jayne: "I can hear you thinking; a brownie that contains nothing and is still delicious, how is that possible? Lots of practice... uuu ...

Victoria sponge cake from the local bakery

Photo Left: Victoria sponge cake: An uber-British cake but prettier and more full-bodied than I normally encounter. Jayne says the cake is very suitable for a high tea: "Don't forget to put a good pot of tea next to it and when enjoying: pinky up please."

Photo Right: Typical English scones with lavender and rosemary . Jayne always has to laugh (and then almost cry) about what is sold here in the Netherlands under the name scones. We can all do something about that by baking Jayne's recipe en masse.

Cheesecake and chocolate cake on display

Photo Left: Winter wonderland cheesecake . After a cautious introduction, the cake turned out to be incredibly popular with customers. With many cheesecakes, I am shocked by the amount of cream cheese. I find this version much more reasonable and is made in an oblong form of 33 x 9 cm with a loose base and contains "only" 150 grams of cream cheese.

Photo Right: Salted Chocolate Cake ; the opposite of the silky white mousse-like cheesecake above. The chocolate-coconut mousse lies on a base of oatmeal, almonds and chocolate chips. Great combination! This cake was also baked in a 33 x 9 cm baking tin.

photos that inspire you to start baking

The 10 second kneading of bread dough; do you know the method?

There are many special breads in Every day baking day. Jayne often uses a special method where you hardly have to knead the bread (three times 10 seconds).

Photo Top Left: Peanut Chili Bread ; a Blue Monday bread packed with ingredients that increase happiness hormones and gives you a chili tickle when you eat it!

Photo Top Right: Pumpkin Blue Cheese Bread. Definitely not just delicious at Halloween!

Photo Below: Cool millet bread; a gluten-free bread. There are also a number of nice recipes for gluten-free eaters. Even Sjoerd, as a non-gluten-prefers-butter-on-everything man, is enthusiastic. He asked in surprise: "Is this really gluten-free bread?" Then I know I've come up with a good one.

What a great book!

What a great baker and writer Jayne Jubb is, I am a fan. The concept, the recipes, the fun and enthusiasm jump off the pages. These are recipes, popular recipes and they are very suitable for every home baker, with or without experience to make yourself. Even baking bread becomes a breeze with the 10 second kneading method. Maybe it is time to make an excuse for yourself and get this great book. And if you bake too much; your neighbours will not mind!

Everyday is Baking Day by Jayne Jubb; always an excuse to bake

Available at the bookstore

ISBN: 9789023017066

I would like to thank Publisher Becht (part of the Gottmer Uitgevers Groep BV) for the opportunity to write a review of every day baking day by Jayne Jubb. The recipe photography is by José van Riele.

“Some of the photos from the book that I photographed only show part of the actual photo. The photo is often much larger and more beautiful in reality. However, by using part of the photo, the whole often fits better in my blog.”


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